How Much Should Couples Spend on Holiday Gifts?


As much as we all love the holidays, you have to admit it can be stressful, especially, if you’re living in the land of Coupleville. Determining how much you should spend on a gift for your partner really depends on the relationship, right?  Whether you’re dating, one year in or married for years, the price point may and should be different. Generally, there are no rules for the “right” amount of money, but some partners have expectations. So here’s a little “gift spend guide” we put together that may help you figure it out and relieve some of the holiday stress so you have more time for egg nog.

1-2 Months Dating: Try to think of something that you both will enjoy and will remember. It’s still early in the relationship and the jury is still out on if you’ll be starting the New Year off together. Keep it simple.

GIFT IDEAS:  dinner & movies, tickets to a comedy show, nice bottle of wine

Spend:  $25-40

4-6 Months Dating: He or she is still around, so things are starting to get a bit more serious. You’re spending more time together and clearly enjoy each other’s company, so the gift should be more meaningful. Put your thinking cap on.

GIFT IDEAS:  perfume/cologne, hat & glove set, spa day

Spend:  $50-75

1 Year and Over Dating: “I love you” has surely been exchanged and your partner has dropped a few gift hints. If you’ve stashed away some cash, it will be a great opportunity to make it really special.

GIFT IDEAS:  jewelry, nice pair of sunglasses or a watch

Spend:  no price restrictions

Living Together/Married: Now is the time to let your spouse or significant other know how much they mean to you. It’s the thought behind the gift, not so much the gift itself. Whatever you do, do not get tools, appliances or undergarments, unless it’s lingerie of course!

GIFT IDEAS:  weekend get-away

Spend:  the sky’s the limit

At the end of the day, the holiday season is all about giving so take time to be good and kind to each other and the rest will fall into place.

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